Monday 27 January 2014

2014 Year of Prophecy. Get ready!

This first blog for a very long time is like a geyser that has been building up under pressure, and is ready to burst forth!!
2013 ended with prayer times that praised God for the battles fought and victories gained - and with great expectation for 2014 as all the prophetic words were for God doing a new thing. They confirmed past words and strengthened our hope for this year. mostly it has been that this is the year the Holy spirit will pour down on all who are willing to receive, here in CLG, in Westbury, in the regions, and in the nations. Greet this year with excitement and expectation!

These first three weeks have been amazing! The year began quietly with answered prayers in many small petitions - then a call that resulted in the salvation of a long time acquaintance, and subsequent attendance at Alpha. Without fanfare, but with much prayer, the Alpha course and Youth Alpha course have begun, and with guests thirsty for understanding.
Last Sunday, at fellowship lunch, with no salad, Fatimah's small salad bowl was put into a very large pot and prayed over. All who wanted salad had more than enough, and several had two helpings!
Most exciting of all has been the healing of a 17 month old baby boy diagnosed with leukaemia, with a platelet count at 12. After several blood transfusions taking the count only up to 13, with considerable persevering prayer taking it to 34, then trust, with fasting also, the count overnight went up to 205, and the doctors checking the blood could not find any leukaemia cells, and they pronounced it could only be a miracle. Praise God - He is so good!

Those who are following Catch the Fire 20th Anniversary - Revival Alliance in Toronto will be aware, but for those who are not - take note. The move of the Holy Spirit in 1994 that has now covered the  globe was the first 'gentle' wave to prepare the Church for the coming mighty wave that will go to the streets. For us at CLG the year has started with indicators of so much more to come.

We truly have an awesome God. If ever there was a time to prepare our hearts, to hunger and thirst for God's presence, to seek holiness and righteousness in our daily life - now is the time. The wave is coming! Get ready!