Tuesday 29 April 2014

Times and Seasons


 There are many events in the news in this season, but four stand out in the broad view to my mind. The increasing antipathy towards Israel, the four blood moons, the impending vote for Scottish independence from Great Britain – and the affirmation and oppositions to this United Kingdom being a Christian Nation. They may seem separate, but I see connections

Britain, a tiny land, once held great influence over much of the globe. She vigorously defended her territories, and was lauded for her success. Israel, a tiny land, has influenced with great success medical treatments and appliance innovations that have benefitted the whole globe, and instituted successful financial systems that prospered the world. She defended herself from constant attack, and was and is vilified. A strange hypocrisy. Why is Israel so important?

The four blood moons are rare, but what makes the current time unique is that each blood moon falls on a specific Judaic/Christian date – Passover ( Apr 14,  Apr 15) and Feast of Tabernacles, celebrated to honour he time when God said He was coming to dwell with His  people (Sep 14, Sep 15). God’s promises in Scripture would be confounded if they were found not to be true, and Israel figures large in these promises.

Today’s true Christianity, which seeks to show love, honour, kindness and strong moral leadership through Jesus Christ seems to engender as much aggravation in opponents as Israel does to much of the world .  As a Scot with a long Scottish heritage, proud to be British and Christian, I am saddened by violent Scottish Nationalism, and regret Scots outside Scotland are not allowed a vote. In unity, in being united, we are strong together as a Nation. In the Church, when we are one in Christ we are strong together, and in Community, whether family or cell group, when we are united in looking out for one another, we are strong together. There is much to look forward to, but it is in the love of God that we can accomplish great things, in love, peace and freedom. Like it or not, believe it or not, there is a spiritual conflict raging. When the good are silent, evil can triumph. So take the opportunity to speak out for the benefit of all – we do not want anyone we know to be lost.